State of Alaska Fishing Report For June 10th

Current Sport Fish Area Fishing Report Marine Harvest Rates June 10, 2014 Saltwater Fishing Marine angling effort remained high last week during the final weekend of the derby. Ketchikan, Alaska’s King Salmon Derby was won by a 42.0 lb king salmon with a total of 823...

Fishing Is Picking Up

It was a disappointing Ketchikan, Alaska King Salmon Derby this year, but I am happy to report that the King Salmon are finely moving in. The last few days have been better fishing with more fishing be caught. It will not be long now and the first run of Coho's Salmon...

The Alaska Bald Eagles Are Out In Force!

We have a lot of Alaska Bald Eagle's at the dock right now.  Even though I grown up seeing lots of the Eagle's I still do not get tired of watching them. Yesterday I watched one of the mating Eagle's spin all the way to the water.  I thought how is that Eagle going to...

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